Monatliche Archive: April 2018

I recently released a „j-lawyer.BOX 2“ – a Linux based server with the case management software pre-installed – based on Odroid HC1. Until now, there was a j-lawyer.BOX 1 based on Odroid C2 which has proven to be very reliable. Two pilot users / customers mentioned they were facing […]

Java process crashing on Odroid HC1 / XU4

This article will describe how to use Optaplanner for job shop scheduling, using automated Caipirinha manufacturing as an example. (By Christian „VisualBeo“ Horvat [CC BY-SA 2.0 de (], from Wikimedia Commons) Introduction The Problem Let’s assume you are running a high volume, fully automated Caipirinha bar. Making Caipirinha involves the […]

Caipirinha the Industry 4.0 way – Job Shop Scheduling with ...

Being a Java backend developer (primarily), I am struggling to keep pace with all those JavaScript frameworks for UI development. Also, I love staying in Java APIs and object models „as long as I can“ before turning to some additional frontend technology layer. There are a few options that meet […]

Statistical Process Control with ZK (ZKOSS)